Fitness training: changing your partner allows you to achieve more

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Fitness Workout: How Changing Your Partner Affects The Quality Of The Exercise We Do

And they found out that in the company of the new partner, the trainee’s performance is increasing. Moreover, the more favorable the emotional atmosphere between the two companions, the higher the training success rates.

This conclusion was made by scientists from the University of Aberdeen. This was the first study of its kind, aimed at identifying the benefits of not having a partner, as such, but a new companion to which we are not yet accustomed. In addition, experts tried to determine the most suitable qualities of a potential training partner.

Dr. of the Institute of Applied Medical Sciences was collecting the data. Thus, the subjects were divided into two groups. One half of the participants were asked to find a new gym buddy, and the other half were asked to follow their usual routine and training style. The results showed that participants who trained with new partners were able to do more exercises and take on higher weights compared to a control group who continued to train in the old way.

“The idea of ​​this study was to test in a natural setting what happens when two people get together to exercise more. We decided to check whether it is true that having a training companion has a positive effect on motivation, ”the team of scientists working on the project notes.

And to determine the qualities that make a person a good training partner, the researchers asked participants to rate how much their new companions provided them with support and what kind of support was most effective.

The subjects highlighted two factors: emotional support and instrumental support. They emphasized that they could work harder with emotional support, encouragement, encouragement from their partner, as well as practical support, for example, even in terms of motivation not to miss a workout.

However, scientists have found that of these two types of support, social, emotional support is more important: it is not so important to actually train together, how much to support each other.